Texts in Philosophy — late 2023 additions

For use in my courses, additions to my Texts in Philosophy page.

Francis Bacon, The Great Instauration (1620). The New Organon (1620).

Jacques Derrida, “Cogito & The History of Madness” (1963).

Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality: An Introduction, Vol. 1 (1976).

Werner Sombart, Chapter 1 of Merchants and Heroes (1915).

Voltaire, Letters on England (1733).

Four articles from the 1989 debate sparked by federal funding for works by Robert Mapplethorpe and Andres Serrano.
* Jesse Helms, “Amendment 420: The NEA Should Not Fund Obscenity” [pdf].
* Robert Hughes, “A Loony Parody of Cultural Democracy” [pdf].
* Robert Samuelson, “Highbrow Pork Barrel” [pdf].
* Steven Durland, “Censorship, Multiculturalism, and Symbols” [pdf].
All four articles in one file [pdf].


1 thought on “Texts in Philosophy — late 2023 additions”

  1. Albionic American

    What if it turns out that blacks generate their own, and often ridiculous. problems just from having lower IQ’s that whites? After all, the current propaganda campaign against “white supremacy” and the like assumes implicitly that “white” really means “competent,” as in the expression “acting white.”

    Of for another, Objectivist way to look at it, think our elites’ racial policies since the 1960’s as the “Races Unification Plan,” like something Wesley Mouch and his gang could have devised. The Plan’s goal is to confiscate and divert wealth from the Hank Rearden race, namely, white people, and give it to the Orren Boyle race, namely, black people. “Reparations” is just the next stage in this Plan.

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