Christians of the world, unite? (Under Putin)

Russia as the surprise center of internationalism:

1922: Workers of the world, unite! Lenin channeling Karl Marx.
2022: Christians of the world, unite! Putin, channeled by these guys:

3 thoughts on “Christians of the world, unite? (Under Putin)”

  1. Albionic American

    That depends on how you define “Christianity.” The teachings of the religion, even its Orthodox versions, are not the same things that Christians believed before the Enlightenment. After all, Russia supports modern physics and astronomy, and it has a functional space program, that the country’s Christian Creative Anachronists aren’t going to make go away just because they don’t fit into the traditional Christian world view.

  2. Stephen Grossman

    There are different versions of Christianity but the nails hurt in all. Christianity is spiritual treason to the rational Enlightenment founding of America. The Sermon On The Mount, with its appeal to mindless sacrifice, is in a different universe from the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A Christian Russia will eventually end its science education. As the creator of the Christian Dark Ages, Augustine, said, “Science is the lust of the eyes.” This guided Empereor’s Justinian’s closing of the schools of philosophy. Look out at reality, not inward. Focus your mind.

  3. christianity is not nationalism/ racism/church/
    believe. It is a gap between sin and salvation. Science has nothing to do with christianity. Although many think there is contradiction between christianity and science. Actually it is not true. When science is misused, it can be dresdful. Like ways, when christianity is misinterpreted it brings misunderstand.
    christianity is not a physical need. it is more about life after physical dead.

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