Polybius on degenerate democracy

2150 years ago, the historian of Rome wrote:



“In the natural, spontaneous course of events, the first [political] system to arise is monarchy, and this is followed by kingship, but it takes the deliberate correction of the defects of monarchy for it to develop into kingship. Kingship changes into its congenital vice—that is, into tyranny—and then it is the turn of aristocracy, after the dissolution of tyranny, Aristocracy necessarily degenerates into oligarchy, and when the general populace gets impassioned enough to seek redress for the crimes committed by their leaders, democracy is born. And in due course of time, once democracy turns to violating and breaking the law, mob-rule arises and completes the series.” ― Polybius, c. 150 BCE

1 thought on “Polybius on degenerate democracy”

  1. To see law in the history of society is historicism. It is what give collectivist (Hegel and Marx, and before them Plato) to believe they have discovered a law and to follow that law to accomplish some kind of prophecy. Some philosophers has tried to tell us about that danger, but apparently it was in vain.

    What then produce change in our societies? Population growth, climate change, resources to mention the most important.

    I guess Mr. Hicks knows from which philosopher I got my knowledge … 🙂

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