Forcing professors out, 1933 edition

Thomas Hager (p. 240) describes well the attitude of a majority of students and professors within the universities, when Hitler and and his Culture Minister demanded that all Jews be removed from their professorships:

“German university students were, in general … devoted to making Germany great again. They were strongly pro-Nazi. Among faculty members, there was great interest in seeing who would get the vacant positions.”

Ideological students and careerist professors — how much has changed since then in the sociology of the university?

Related: The philosopher Martin Heidegger was Rector at the University of Freiburg in 1933. Some relevant posts:

* Heidegger on the Führer Principle: “the existence and the superiority of the Führer sink down into being, into the soul of the people and thus bind it authentically and passionately to the task. And when the people feel this dedication, they will let themselves be led into struggle.”
* Heidegger’s “Reunion Speech” of 1934: “German Socialism wants an order of merit based on inner confirmation and achievement: it wants the inviolability of service and the absolute honor of all labor. That is what we mean by national freedom.”
* Heidegger calling for “someone capable of instilling terror”: ““We must first call for someone capable of instilling terror into our Dasein again. …”

More Heidegger posts here.

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