Civility down the toilet: intolerance, anti-Trump style

My anti-Trump street cred is here. But acting like an immature asshole (to use technical philosophical terminology) is no way to fight back against the man or his policies. Minimal civility is essential for a politics to function peacefully.

Some disturbing anecdotes:

* Senator Joseph McCarthy was demonized for going after artists and others who might have been involved with the Communist Party: now we have the phenomenon of demonizing artists who might perform at Trump’s inauguration.

Apparently the sins of the father may be visited upon the children and upon the children’s children to the umpteenth generation: harassing Trump’s children and grandchildren on a commercial air flight.

The rash of asymmetrical online unfriending: a spike in blocking “friends” who might like Trump or not be anti-Trump enough.

Yes, the pro-Trump side has its jerks and bullies too, but there is no excuse. Let’s be intelligent and take the moral high ground in our arguments and activism.

2 thoughts on “Civility down the toilet: intolerance, anti-Trump style”

  1. I’m a registered Libertarian so I am used to losing elections. However, the level of venom and vitriol I am seeing about Trump is unprecedented. My standard reply on Facebook has been that Reagan scared me MUCH more than Trump – and I lived through that. Most disturbing are the Trump = Nazi tirades. I agree up front that Trump is often rude and crude. But equating bad manners with National Socialism is dangerous.

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