the beginning of philosophy

Thales and the Origin of Philosophy | Philosophers, Explained by Professor Stephen Hicks

Episodes: The full playlist. Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy at Rockford University, USA, and has had visiting positions at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., the University of Kasimir the Great in Poland, Oxford University’s Harris Manchester College in England, and Jagiellonian University in Poland.

Thales and the Origin of Philosophy | Philosophers, Explained by Professor Stephen Hicks Read More »

¿Por qué la filosofía comienza con Thales?

Stephen R. C. Hicks Traducido al Español por Fermín Elizalde. (El artículo original en inglés. Original English: Why Philosophy Begins with Thales.) La afirmación estándar es que la filosofía comienza con Thales. Cuando les enseño esto a mis alumnos, es difícil de vender, porque aquí están los textos fundadores de la filosofía, que Aristóteles atribuye

¿Por qué la filosofía comienza con Thales? Read More »

Philosophy begins: Thales’ revolution

In raising the question of why philosophy begins with Thales, we first looked at Homer, the great shaper of the Greek mind before the philosophical and scientific revolution: Before philosophy: Homer’s world. In that post, I abstracted five statements from The Iliad: H1. Supernatural causation is part of the explanation for natural events. H2. Supernatural

Philosophy begins: Thales’ revolution Read More »