Exult or gnash teeth at whistle-blower Chelsea Manning’s release?

Chelsea Manning is out of prison — but here are the whistle-blowing questions for both those exulting and those gnashing their teeth.

“Whistleblowing and Government Secrets, Chelsea Manning edition.”

“In his final days in office, President Obama commuted the prison sentence of Chelsea Manning. While in the employ of the US Army, Manning had downloaded tens of thousands of government documents and passed them on to Wikileaks. …”

1 thought on “Exult or gnash teeth at whistle-blower Chelsea Manning’s release?”

  1. I’m all for whistleblowers, but it baffles me why Bradley Manning should be retained on active duty. Leaving the service is part of the sacrifice of blowing whistles. It must be politics — DC doesn’t to be accused of being nazis or something for not wanting to pay for Mannings’ medical experimentation on himself.

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