
Self-sacrifice as more threatening than self-interest

Reprising this intriguing passage from Berel Dov Lerner’s review of Moshe Halbertal’s On Sacrifice (2012): ‘Halbertal claims that despite all its transcendent glory, adoption of the notion of “sacrifice for” can generate especially terrible consequences: “misguided self-transcendence is morally more problematic and lethal than a disproportionate attachment to self-interest” (78, italics in original). How does […]

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Altruism’s solution: selflessness, sacrifice, lose/win service to others

Stephen Hicks here discusses altruism’s solution to the Myth of Gyges. This is from Part 5 of Professor Hicks’s Philosophy of Education course. Clips 1-2: Previous: Predation’s solution: power, aggression, win/lose. Next: The Three Options Chart Return to the Philosophy of Education page. Return to the main page.

Altruism’s solution: selflessness, sacrifice, lose/win service to others Read More »

Heidegger and postmodernism [EP]

[This excerpt is from Chapter 3 of Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault] Heidegger’s synthesis of the Continental tradition Martin Heidegger took Hegelian philosophy and gave it a personal, phenomenological twist. Heidegger is notorious for the obscurity of his prose and for his actions and inactions on behalf of the National Socialists

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