An inspiring university points to the future

Atlas is not shrugging at Francisco Marroquín University in Guatemala.

I was there to give a talk on “Is Economics Value-Free?” [answer: No, and that’s a good thing] at the Association for Private Enterprise Education conference. This sign made it feel like an intellectual homecoming [click the images for full size]:


The first academic building one comes to at the university has this sculpture and accompanying plaque:



Thanks to co-hosts FMU and APEE for a memorable event. Thanks also to organizer Douglas Rasmussen and my co-sessionists Alexei Marcoux, Pierre Garello, and Aeon Skoble for a good discussion of a fundamental issue in philosophy of economics. (The 80-degree weather and heated, outdoor pool weren’t bad either.)

Update: Joshua Hall of Beloit College, by way of thanking FMU and its students for their co-hosting the conference, has this link for those who would like to make a donation to FMU’s student scholarship fund.

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