
Giroux against liberal education [Pope Lecture]

In this invited lecture, Dr. Hicks surveys key educational ideas from pre-modern times, the modern era, and our post-modern times. Ancient education often stressed discipline, obedience and rule following, while modern thinkers such as Galileo, Locke, and Montaigne stressed independent judgment and the power of reason. He then examines a series postmodern (and fellow-traveler) thinkers […]

Giroux against liberal education [Pope Lecture] Read More »

Introducing metaphysics: our hybrid civilization

This is Part 2 of Professor Hicks’s Philosophy of Education course, in which he introduces metaphysics, its competing theories, and their role in education. 1 clip: Previous: [Part 1: Introduction to the Course] Motivation for the course. Next: The Big Bang Story. Return to the Philosophy of Education page. Return to the main page.

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