Robert Lawson on the Economic Freedom of the World Index

Robert Lawson (Southern Methodist University), along with James Gwartney (Florida State University) and Joshua Hall (West Virginia University), is editor of the celebrated Economic Freedom of the World Index. The Index is one of the major achievements in social science research this generation, made possible by much better data and awesome computing power.

Professor Lawson spoke recently at Rockford University on the methodology, results, and policy implications of the Index. What country rates highest? How much has the USA declined in the last decade? Which countries are at the bottom of the list and why? Where do the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China) stand? How does economic freedom correlate with democracy, human rights, and peaceful relations between nations? My follow-up 17-minute audio interview with him is here:

Or one can listen at YouTube.

2 thoughts on “Robert Lawson on the Economic Freedom of the World Index”

  1. Great index, but it is a big and dangerous error to call the freest nations “market” or “capitalist.” Even these nations for the most part are at least 40% statist / socialist.

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