11 thoughts on “*Nietzsche and the Nazis* documentary published”

  1. John P Salisbury

    The full video should be required viewing in high school history courses. When the person before me said she shared this with many people on the ‘net, she wasn’t lying, she was the one who gave me this link and I bought the video. Best lecture I have watched in a long time. I liked the historical detail about what the Nazis did outside of what is commonly taught about them. It was enlightening to listen to what the National Socialists were fully about. More people need to know who they were and how they got into power, along with who supported them along the way. Most importantly it is important to know who came before them to inspire them to be the way they were.

  2. Hi Charla:
    I am working on a philosophy and modern art documentary now.
    The only other substantial video project I’ve done is to put my Philosophy of Education courses online. They’re basic lecture, though, and not documentary.
    The book version of *Nietzsche and the Nazis* is coming out later this summer.
    Thanks for asking.

  3. Dr. Hicks, I cannot say enough about your documentary. It has to be one of the true groundbreaking ideas on this dark chapter in world history to come around in a long time. Awesome job! Now that I look back on your doc. I only ask myself why did I not consider the idea of what really motivated this damn Nazis. You have education me in less than three hours on this subject than any high school or college instructor ever did.


  4. I, too, shall make it known throughout the internet UNIVERSE of this doc. There are history clubs out there and I would bet not too many “historians” know about this background on Nazism.


  5. The most comprehensive and inclusive lecture I have ever witnessed. Thank you for your work, it has truly changed my outlook and understanding of many things. Your research on the subject transcends on the Nietzsche and the Nazis.

  6. Sorry I meant to say “your research on the subject transcends Nietzsche and the Nazis”.

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